When it comes to successful certification, nothing should be left to chance. Our team supports you in Asia, ensuring an optimal result.

Nowadays, certification is more important than ever. Our manufacturing partners are regularly assessed and have obtained excellent BSCI-certificates.

We also support the certification of our client’s products, whether it is ISO, BSCI, REACH, POP, LFGB or eco-certificates.

To avoid unpleasant ‘surprises’, tests can be run prior to product-handover and certification.

This ensures that there will be no obstacles when importing your goods to the European Union.
Only recognized laboratories will test and certify your items.

Our other services

Consultancy / Manufacturing / Supplier Selection

As individual as our client’s requirements and desires, our strategies and solutions are equally flexible.

Manufacturing Monitoring / Quality Control / Final Acceptance
Quality already starts with procuring the best fabrics. During production, our staff constantly supervises the production process and ensures that schedules are uphold.

Logistics and Packaging
We are searching the most efficient transportation solution for you – by air, sea, or rail. Costs are displayed fast and transparently.


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